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a community telling of Pawâkan Macbeth

a community telling of Pawâkan Macbeth
a community telling of Pawâkan Macbeth
Inspired by the youth of Frog Lake First Nation, Treaty 6 Territory

Pawâkan Macbeth is Reneltta Arluk’s groundbreaking reimagining of Shakespeare’s darkest play into Cree history, legend and cosmology.

Pawâkan is set during pre-colonization, when Plains Cree were allied with Stoney Nakoda and at war with Blackfoot over territory, food, supplies and trade. When true autonomy existed among Indigenous Peoples and with that their spirits, their wisdom, practices, makers, tricksters, shifters, their darkness and light. All the while the Canadian Government were making their way west with Sir John A. MacDonald as its leader. Harsh environments brought immense fear, starvation, and uncertainty together to awaken the darkest of Cree spirits, the Wihtiko – a being with insatiable greed.

Through the exploration of Plains Cree language, history, stories and cosmology Arluk asks, What is it to be human? What makes a human vulnerable to the Wihtiko? Inspired by working with the youth of Frog Lake First Nation in Treaty 6 territory, and shared stories from Elders in the region, Arluk has created a terrifying journey through love, greed, honour and betrayal, with coyote howlers, Wiyôyôwak teaching us that resurgence requires balance.

Pawâkan Macbeth’s story was inspired by Frog Lake elders: Mary Ann Dillon, Rose Dillon, Henry Smith, Raymond Quinney, Cecile Dion, and Cultural Advisor Gary Berland. With original development of concept by Owen Morris and students of Chief Napeweaw School. Some of Pawâkan Macbeth stories originated from the Frog Lake, Loon Lake, and Onion Lake region on Treaty 6 territory.


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