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Information Esplanade Box Office Hours:
Tuesday - Saturday: 12 - 5pm

Coop Place Box Office Hours:

Monday - Friday: 12 - 4pm

Closed Weekends & Holidays

Ph: 403-502-8777
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Against the Grain Youth Art Class - Winter

Against the Grain Youth Art Class - Winter
Ages 13-17
March 6, 13, 20, 27 (Thursday evenings from 6:45pm-8:15pm)
Max: 12 spots per group

This program will provide an opportunity for youth ages 13-17 to learn fundamental visual art techniques using a variety of unconventional materials and processes. Out-of-the-box thinking is encouraged as the instructor guides teens through two intricate projects over the span of the 4-week course. Focus will be placed on developing and refining technical skills, engaging in meaningful conversations, and gaining self-confidence along the way. A new subject is explored each season, with past classes diving into inks, still-life, colour and more!

A patron may withdraw their registration up to two weeks prior to the start date and will be issued a full refund. No refund will be issued within the two weeks prior to the start date, but withdrawals during that time period will be considered on a case by case basis and may result in a credit applied to the patron’s name. No credit or refund will be issued to any withdrawals within three business days before the start date of the program.

In the event that the class of your choice is sold out, please click HERE to be added to the waiting list. Please ensure you specify which class you require.


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