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The Alphabet of Awesome Science

The Alphabet of Awesome Science
Join professors Lexi Con and Noel Edge (the Word Nerd and the Science Freak) for a thrilling voyage through the alphabet — where great big chewy sesquipedalian words inspire mind-blowing scientific surprises.

Professor Lexi Con has curated a curious collection of her favourite words (one for every letter of the alphabet) with each word providing Professor Noel Edge with an inspirational jumping off point for 26 quirky scientific demonstrations – that squish and squirt, float and fly, erupt and explode.

Together, this dad-joke quipping, prank-pulling pair of polished professors strut their stuff in a
performance that’s equal parts explosive, messy, spectacular, hilarious, fascinating and gross.
And if things weren’t exciting enough, every show is completely different, with audiences
determining the order in which the letters are revealed and explored.

Plus, did we mention, this is a race? The plucky pair of professors have just 52 minutes to complete their alphabetical, scientifical countdown. That’s just 2 minutes per experiment! Will they make it in time...?

Brace yourself for an immersive hour of carefully crafted alphabetical, scientifical (award-winning!) chaos!


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